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Professional Development

with Our Certifications

Our enterprise & business architect workshops are useful to the practioning architect who can not only add to their knowledge but also gain the competitive edge necessary to market her/himself. For the organizations, our certification offers a gold standard by which they can measure the performance and capabilities of people they wish to hire. An EACOE or BACOE certification means you have the right skills, experience, standards and style necessary to be a successful architect.

Architect certification workshops at your convenience

Our certification workshop courses are for four and a half days. If there are eight or more people from your company, we can arrange for in-house workshops in your premises. Our architecture workshops are held from 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM. Please contact us for more information on our workshops, seminars, briefings, and consulting services.

Architect certification workshops outlined for you

You can navigate the details of our workshop outlines on our site. Our architect workshops contain a comprehensive and complete body of knowldege required for a successful practitioner of Enterprise and Business Architecture. Even non-practitioners, who wish to gain a deeper understanding of how optimal use of information technology architecture can drive their business, will benefit from the course.


The workshop courses are the pre-requisites for our enterprise and business architecture certifications. Our system of graded certification allows the professional to constantly upgrade his/her knowledge, skills and experience and make sure they are up-to-date with current best practices.


Our enterprise and business architecture classes will train architects in all the theoretical and practical knowledge required for success in the field. Companies employing or consulting EACOE and BACOE professionals can rest assured that they have the services of the best professionals in the industry with proven skills and world class standards, who will ensure their company's success.

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